Simple English
This is the website of BMBF Projekte 2019
BMBF Projekte 2019 is a website of ZEW Mannheim.
For this reason the ZEW takes care of contents:
- Here you can find lots of information on BMBF Projekte 2019.
- On this page you will find information in Simple English.
Lots of people find Simple English easier to read.
There are many reasons for this:
- Some people have difficulties reading English.
- Some people have disabilities.
- Some people have difficulties to understand long sentences.
Simple English does not only mean simple words.
Simple English uses clear rules.
Simple English is a specific way of writing.
This is why it is written in capital letters.
Here you can find easy-to-read information on:
- What you can find on our website.
- How you can find information.
ZEW does research on the economy.
On this page you can find information on:
- the work of ZEW
- the goals of ZEW
We want to help people know and understand
- what ZEW does
- what ZEW is planning on doing
About ZEW
ZEW was founded in 1990.
ZEW is located in Mannheim.
The State Government of Baden Württemberg supported the launch of ZEW.
This means: The State Government of Baden Württemberg helped found ZEW.
To launch or found a company means: To create a new company.
The full name of ZEW is:
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research.
ZEW is part of the Leibniz Association.
The Leibniz Association is a group of research institutes.
We have a very long name.
So, many people call us: ZEW Mannheim.
In short: ZEW.
There are different departments at ZEW.
Another word for department is unit.
8 units do research.
They are called research units.
3 departments help the research units.
They are called service units.
More than 200 people work at ZEW.
Achim Wambach is the head of ZEW.
He is the president of ZEW.
But he does not do that alone:
He runs ZEW together with Managing Director Thomas Kohl.
What is the goal of ZEW?
ZEW does economic research.
- To help us understand economy.
- To help us understand how the economy will look like in the future.
Where does the money come from?
ZEW receives money
- from the European Commission,
- from ministries and institutions on federal and state level,
- from companies and associations,
- from the German Research Foundation,
- from foundations,
- from organisations.
Most of the money comes from federal and state institutions.
The rest comes from other organisations.
Like ministries.
Or the European Commission.
And companies.
When money is collected like this, this is called third-party funding.
The ZEW Sponsors’ Association for Science and Practice supports ZEW.
What is important to ZEW?
- Open access to scientific research
This means: Scientific research is for everyone. We want everyone to have information about our research.
- Good scientific work
- Sustainability
This means: We also think about the future in our work. We want all people to be able to live a good life on our planet. Today and in the future.
There is more information about this in our sustainability report (in German).
- Knowledge for everyone
We want everyone to be able to learn from our research.
You can find more information on ZEW and its activities in our Annual Report.
There is no Simple English version of our Annual Report.
How to use this website
Below you will find a guide to using all the features of our website.
At the top left of our website there are large letters.
It says “ZEW”.
Clicking on these letters takes you back to the ZEW homepage.
The homepage is the first page you see
when you visit our website.
When you are on another page on our website,
you can click on these letters.
This will always take you back to our homepage.
At the very top you can find many words.
Clicking on these words,
will take you to other pages on our website.
- Press
On this page, you can find our press releases.
Press releases are news and other texts about ZEW.
This is how we share information.
For example: for newspapers, radio and TV stations, the internet
and other people who visit our homepage.
Many of these texts are written by the people who work at ZEW.
- Team
Clicking on this page will give you a list of the people who work at ZEW.
Their last names are in alphabetical order.
Here you can find photos and information about the people who work at ZEW.
- Career
On this page, you can find information about jobs at ZEW.
There is also information about what we offer as an employer.
You can also find our latest job openings here.
- Newsletter
On this page, you can sign up for our newsletter.
Then you will receive our newsletter via e-mail.
You can also find other information about our newsletter here.
The newsletter is free.
- Contact
Do you want to call us?
Or write us?
On this page you can find names, phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses.
There is different contact information for different topics.
- ZEWnews
On this page you can find information about news at ZEW.
ZEWnews is all about the activities of ZEW.
There is lots of information about political and economic topics.
Sign language and Simple English
On the right-hand side, there are 2 small symbols.
The symbols with the two hands mean: Sign language.
Sign language is a language for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Select this symbol to find videos in sign language.
The symbol with the book means: Simple English.
Here you can find information written in Simple English.
You are currently on this page.
You can change the language by clicking on DE and EN on the right-hand side.
DE means: German.
EN means: English.
The language that you select will be shown as grey.
You can click on the blue letters to change the language.
Then you will be able to see the website in the other language.
There is also a search function on our website.
You can find this at the top right.
In the search box, it says: “Explore the ZEW”.
You can type words into the search box.
Then click on the magnifying glass.
This will give you a list of results of things that interest you.
Next to your list of results, you will find other options.
These will give you more specific results.
For instance: You can select Events.
This will give you a list of events that interest you.
If you scroll down, you will see boxes
with symbols and words in different colours.
You select these words to go to another page.
When you move you mouse over these boxes,
this opens a list of different topics.
You can click on one of these topics
to get to a page with more information.
The boxes have different colours
to help you find the information that you are looking for.
Here you can find more information on important topics:
Here you can find lots of information
about all our activities.
- Research at ZEW
On this page, you can read about our research.
For instance: About the things that we investigate.
- Publications
On this page, there is lots of information
about the results of our research.
For instance: reports written by the people who work at ZEW.
- Events and Professional Training
Here you can find information about our events.
Select this box to see the important dates.
And the topics of our events.
Below the navigation bar there are large blue words.
These are our theme pages.
On these pages, you can find lots of information on important topics.
Below, there is a picture.
This picture can change when you select the different topics.
The picture shows the topic of the theme page.
Below, it says: “Read more on our theme page”.
Select this to get to one of our theme pages.
There you will find videos, pictures and texts.
At the very bottom of our website you will find lots of words.
This is the footer.
Every page on our website has the same footer.
here are 4 different columns:
- Quick Access
Click here to open different pages.
These are the same pages as
the ones displayed in the navigation bar (see main navigation bar above).
- Press
On this page, you can find the information we share with everyone.
For example: our press releases.
These are news and texts about ZEW.
For example: for newspapers, radio and TV stations, the internet
and other people who visit our homepage.
You can also find pictures of ZEW here.
- Research Programmes
ZEW does all kinds of research.
Here you can find information about different research projects on a specific topic.
- Contact
Here you will find information like names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
You can also find our address here.
And information on how to find us.
- Social Media
Select this to open one of our social media pages.
Social media pages are sites like Twitter or YouTube.
Or LinkedIn.
There are lots of texts and pictures on these sites.
Or short versions of our news.
And videos.
Every page on our website
has a blue arrow pointing up
at the very bottom of the page.
Click on this arrow,
to go to the top of the page.
Mobile Version
Many people look at our website on the phone.
Some things look different on the phone.
Here, you can find information on how to use the mobile version of website:
At the top left corner, it says “ZEW”.
Clicking on these letters takes you back to the ZEW homepage.
The homepage is the first page you see
when you visit our website.
At the top right corner, you can see 3 bars.
Next to these bars, you will see the word “Menu”.
If you select this,
this will open a new window.
At the top of the menu window,
you will see boxes in different colours.
You can select the red box.
This will take you the “ZEW” page.
Here you can find lots of information
about all our activities.
You can choose the blue box.
This will open the “Research at ZEW” menu.
On this page, you can read about our research.
For instance: About the things that we investigate.
Select the brown box,
to open the „Publications“ menu.
On this page, there is lots of information
about the results of our research.
For instance: reports written by the people who work at ZEW.
The yellow box opens the “Events” page.
Here you can find information about our events.
Select this box to see the important dates.
And the topics of our events.
Below these boxes,
you can type words to use our search function.
In the search box, it says: “Explore the ZEW”.
You can type words into the search box.
Then click on the magnifying glass.
This will give you a list of results of things that interest you.
You can also search for more specific results.
For instance: You can select Events.
This will give you a list of events that interest you.
Select one of these topics to open a new page.
- Press
On this page, you can find our press releases.
Press releases are news and other texts about ZEW.
This is how we share information.
For example: for newspapers, radio and TV stations, the internet
and other people who visit our homepage.
Many of these texts are written by the people who work at ZEW.
- Team
Selecting this page will give you a list of the people who work at ZEW.
Their last names are in alphabetical order.
Here you can find photos and information about the people who work at ZEW.
- Career
On this page, you can find information about jobs at ZEW.
There is also information about what we offer as an employer.
You can also find our latest job openings here.
- ZEW Newsletter
On this page, you can sign up for our newsletter.
Then you will receive our newsletter via e-mail.
You can also find other information about our newsletter here.
The newsletter is free.
- Contact
Do you want to call us?
Or write us?
On this page you can find names,
phone numbers, fax numbers
and e-mail addresses.
There is different contact information for different topics.
- ZEWnews
On this page you can find information about news at ZEW.
The ZEWnews magazine is all about the activities of ZEW.
Here you find all important news
about ZEW.
Here you can change the language of our website.
You can choose “DE” to change the language to German.
You will be able to see the German version of our website.
You can select “EN” to change the language to English.
You will then be able to see the English version of our website.
At the very bottom of our website,
you will find lots of words.
You can select one of these words
to open another page.
- Quick Access
Click here to open different pages.
These are the same pages as
the ones displayed in the navigation bar (see navigation).
- Press
On this page, you can find the information we share with everyone.
For example: our press releases.
These are news and texts about ZEW.
For example: for newspapers, radio and TV stations, the internet
and other people who visit our homepage.
You can also find pictures of ZEW here.
- Research Programmes
ZEW does all kinds of research.
Here you can find information about different research projects on a specific topic.
- Contact
Here you will find information like names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
You can also find our address here.
And information on how to find us.
- Social Media
Select this to open one of our social media pages.
Social media pages are sites like Twitter or YouTube.
Or LinkedIn.
There are lots of texts and pictures on these sites.
Or short versions of our news.
And videos.