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The Demand for Voluntary Carbon Sequestration - First Results from an Experimental Study in Germany

In a video presentation, recorded for the 2020 Science of Philanthropy Initiative (SPI) conference on 16 and 17 September 2020, we present first results of a joint field experiment by the ZEW and the University of Münster.

The experiment was implemented within work package 5a in March 2020. It evaluates the individual willingness to pay for voluntary emissions removal through forests as local carbon sinks in Germany. Besides binding CO2 from the air, forest carbon sinks provide local co-benefits, too. The analysis, therefore, focuses on the role of local ancillary benefits resulting from the provision of a local sink and, in particular, whether the spatial proximity towards the local carbon sink matters for the individual willingness to pay. A second elicitation of data is currently in preparation.

Video presentation „The Demand for Voluntary Carbon Sequestration – Experimental Evidence from a Reforestation Project in Germany“