
P25 - Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit Beschäftigter mit Ausbildung im Rahmen der dualen Berufsaubildung

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Spitz-Oener, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Alexandra Fedorets, Msc Economics and Management Sciences, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Next to the university system, the dual system of apprenticeship is the most important institution of vocational education in Germany. It is well regarded internationally and provides the stepping stone into qualified work for the majority of young adults. However, people have contested its ability to adjust to the changes in production processes that we have observed in recent decades. As the system was designed when the industry structure was heavily dominated by the manufacturing sector, the critics question its appropriateness in a knowledge-based economy. Many ask for reforms, some critics even ask for the abolishment of the system.

In this project, we take a close look at both the position of the proponents of the system and the position of the critics. In particular, we empirically investigate whether employees with a degree from the dual system of apprenticeship are able to cope with the changing skill requirements brought about by recent technological changes.