1990 – Stuttgart-Hohenheim

Annual Meeting of the Committee for Industrial Economics, 1–2 March, 1990

The meeting took place on 1–2 March, 1990 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim. The local organisation was undertaken by Prof. Dr. Ingo Schmidt. The following lectures were held:

  • "Competiton with Demand Functions", Friedel Bolle
  • "Incentive Mechanisms in the Environmental Sector - A Case Study to a Hard Coal-Fired Power Station", Klaus Conrad
  • "Customs Effect to a Spatial Oligopol", Klaus Schöler
  • "Unobservable industry characteristics and the innovation - concentration - advertising - maze: Evidence from an econometric study using panel data for manufacturing industries in the FRG, 1979-1986", J. Wagner and J.M.-Graf von der Schulenburg